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Cyber Crimes & Cyber Security

Cyber crimes and cyber security are two topics that have become increasingly important in our digital age. Cyber crimes are any illegal activities that involve the use of computers or the internet, while cyber security is the practice of protecting networks, systems, and data from malicious attacks.

Cyber crimes

Cyber crimes have become an increasing problem in the digital age as more people are connecting digitally and engaging on social media platforms. Cyber criminals are taking advantage of this platform to threaten, harm, and harass individuals and companies alike. As such, it is important to be aware of the various types of cyber crimes and how cyber security can be used to protect against them.


.Cyber crimes can be classified into two groups:

Hacks and Data Breaches. Hacks are criminal activities that involve breaking into computer systems of corporations or individuals to steal, damage, or sabotage information. Data breaches have been defined as the unauthorized access to an information system with the intent to commit a crime .

The following are some examples of cyber crimes and how they can be prevented:

Computer hacking - A hacker may use a computer to gain unauthorized access to a system, or their files, monitor communications, and copy files.

Data breach - Any person who gains access to an information system without authorization and the intent of committing a crime. Some examples of data breaches are hackers breaking into networks, email swindlers stealing email addresses from companies without permission, or employees who have been offered incentives for working on behalf of a competitor.

Cyber terrorism - Cyber terrorists use computer systems for political or social objectives that can disrupt the US economy by damaging critical infrastructure systems that control electrical power, water , and transportation.

Cyber security

Cyber security encompasses a range of measures that can be taken to protect against cyber crime including using strong passwords, installing firewalls, monitoring activity on networks, and educating users on how to spot suspicious activity online. These measures are necessary in order to protect individuals and businesses from the various forms of harassment, bullying and other malicious activities that cyber criminals may engage in. .Cyber crime includes a diverse range of malicious activities ranging from individuals who illegally spy on others to an organized group that hacks into government databases.

Cyber criminals may steal personal information, such as passwords or credit card details, in order to commit identity theft; or they may hack into networks and steal sensitive data, such as intellectual property. Cybercrime also includes the wide range of online harassment like trolling and stalking which is increasingly prevalent in today's digital age. Harassment can be conducted via traditional methods as well through technological means like hacking into a person's social media account and posting content on their behalf without their consent.

The internet has made it easier for criminals to commit a variety of crimes, such as identity theft, fraud, and intellectual property theft. Cyber criminals can also use the internet to spread malicious software, such as viruses and ransomware. Cyber security is essential in order to protect against these threats and keep our data safe. There are a number of measures that can be taken to improve cyber security. These include using strong passwords, installing anti-virus software, and regularly updating software and hardware. It is also important to be aware of phishing scams and other online threats. Governments around the world have implemented laws and regulations to combat cyber crime. These laws can include penalties for those who commit cyber crimes, as well as measures to protect citizens from becoming victims of cyber crime. Governments are also working with businesses to ensure that their networks and systems are secure. Cyber security is an ever-evolving field, as new threats emerge all the time. It is important for individuals and businesses alike to stay up-to-date with the latest security measures in order to protect their data and networks from malicious attacks.
Cyber Crimes & Cyber Security Reviewed by Roar and Soar Pakistan on January 30, 2023 Rating: 5

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